Wednesday, July 25, 2012

To new beginnings!!!

What a move!!! It is hard to believe that we move from Wamego, KS. That it have been 2 months and a half and that the kids are finally adjusting. It is just meant to be. Mike applied for the Emergency Management Coordinator position in Finney County. He did a phone interview and then later that same week they ask him if he could some to Garden City for an in person interview. At that time he asks me if I saw anything on the Garden City website that I would like to apply for. I look and saw an Administrative Assistant position, so I filled out the application for it. The next day I got a call asking if I could come to Garden City for an interview. I told them that my husband was having an interview the next Friday (April 27, 2012) and that I could be there as well. So on April 26, 2012 Mike and I drove the 5 long hours to Garden City. It was great for us because we were able to talk without interruptions. We got to Garden City; we check in at the hotel and went to see the town. It is in between Wamego and Manhattan so it was not too overwhelming. We went to bed hoping that the next day would be a great one. And indeed it was. Mike went to his interview at 8:45 and I walk into the City building at about 8:50am. Knowing that I was very early but better early than late, right! At my interview I guess I did great because they ask me if I have time for a second interview that same day. At the end of my interview, they offer me the job. I told them that I would have to wait until I found out about my husband’s interview. He got is call about 6pm while we were eating dinner on our way back to Wamego.

                Our life was about to make a 180 degrees turn. We both out our 2 week notice and start packing! How could you pack a house that you have lived in 7 years in two weeks? With a lot of help from friends and family we were able to do it. Two weeks later, we had a caravan going down the highway, one U-Haul, one pickup truck, one SUV, one minivan, 4 adults, 5 kids and a LOT of boxes.

                Everyone was adjusting ok but poor Byron. He was having a hard time going to a different school for a week and a half. He wanted me to drop him off, but when I did he didn’t wanted me to leave. He will hug my leg and didn’t want to let go. Shane is more aggressive to certain extend. He is more defiant, he gets mad when he didn’t get his way. And I so understand him, he is just trying to get control of anything. His word was flip upside down and he is trying to hold on to anything. Kelly in the other hand is the one that surprise me. She has adjusted extremely well to the move. She pack her room at the old house, she unpack her boxes in the new house. As soon as she started the new school she made friends. Did great in summer softball, to include more friends! She is great with the boys while Mike and I are at work. She just ask from me to take her out every now and then to the strip mall that we have so we can go and look at clothes!

Mike like his job. It is something that he was wanting for a long time and I am very glad that he was able to get it. He is not working long hours; needier is he traveling as much as before. And that I don’t like, I love it. He help to coach Kelly’s softball team and he went to everyone but 2 swimming lessons this summer. Me, well I like my job. It is different than my old job. It is clearly not as demanding or stressful. I am the secretary (Administrative Assistant) for the Director of Public Utilities and Ii well, I like it. I work 8 to 5 and I get one hour for lunch. I have the same schedule as Mike and well it is just great. I love my new house and with every day that passes it looks more like a home!

                Know we are getting ready for school enrollment. This will be Shane’s first year at school and Byron will move to second grade. They will both be in catholic school for the first time. We will see how that goes. I hope that Shane can make it a week without getting expel. Here in Garden City 6th grade is still part of elementary school. So she will be moving to the middle school which is now where the old high school was. It is big compared with the old middle school but I guess that is what needed it because of the growing population in Garden City. I am ready to send them off to school and to make some kind of a schedule to follow so our days and evenings are not so crazy. But for now I am enjoying the summer months and embracing my new life!!!

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