Monday, June 9, 2008

One More Weekend!!!

Shane is trying to run now. Poor baby looks like he have been drinking. He is gaining more coordination and next thing I know he will be running. I am trying to tell him not to go so fast but why oh why would he listen to mommy.
Byron, well he is just his own little person. He will talk your ear off, if you let him. Lately I don't know what to do with him, he just don't want to sleep. Like he is going to miss something. I know I have to be more strict with the routine but with 3 kids, a dh and a house, how in the world am I supposed to keep a routine.
Kelly, well she think she is big and all that. She wants to use the computer constantly. And the question before we go out the door is, "can I wear make up?" MMMM no, you are only 8 years old. Try not to rush in to things. But if I remember right, the girl have someone to get that from. LOL
This weekend was to fast, I am so ready for the next one.

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